Sunday, August 10, 2008

Me, Teaching!?!!

I started teaching a class called Drawing for Kids last month, this has been my first teaching experience and in all I think it's going really well! These are two drawings done by my kids, who are of course in my class, and love having Mom for a teacher. They are a part of a project I called Wild Things.

We read the book Where the Wild things Are, by Maurice Sendak. Then we talked about what makes a wild thing wild. To start the kids creative imaginations we played a game. They drew four cards. A color, a number, a shape and the last one was an emotion. They then had to use the color somehow and using the number they drew, their wild thing had to have that number eyes, arms and legs. Then they had to use their shape and try to make it show the emotion they choose.

Simon, Age 7
Roman, Age 4

Simon chose purple, four, rectangle and bored. See how the wild thing is sighing, That's not just purple fire!

Roman chose brown, one, triangles, and scary. I love that he added the "mom" and the heart!!!


Anonymous said...

Carlee I am so impressed with your work and your teaching style and I can see so much improvement in the Kids Art

Carla Sonheim said...

I just love these drawings and what a great idea, too. Thanks for the link!!